Hari Raya Puasa
This festival is a Malaya's New Year. But it means isn't actual New Year. Malaya is Islamic country. So they have Ramadan witch is hasting month. During the period they can't eat and drinking anything. So when this period ends, they celebrate that period end without any trouble. But they are Islamic, so they can't drink alcohol. This festival will be held about a month.

Hari mean’s "day". Raya means "excellent". Puasa means "fasting". So Hari Raya Puasa means "Excellent fasting days".
When this period end, people have to wearing the new clothies. And they go to mosque to worship. This picture is mosque.It means that with the start of the new year, people feel like a new person.

After that they hold party in their house. When this party they always eating "ketupat". It's like a Japanese rice cake. It is necessary for this festival. This period is every people keep late hours even a child. And they enjoy dancing and singing in till the midnight.
I’ve never heard "Hari Raya Puasa " until I searched world festival in this class. So I don't know well about this festival. But now I'm interested in this festival!!!!!!!!!!!!I would like to go this festival someday !!!!!!!!!!
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